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Filtering by Tag: Sponsors

New Chapter Sponsor! Axalta Powder Coatings

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK board of directors is excited to announce Axalta Powder Coating Systems UK Ltd is joining the chapter as a Partner Sponsor!!

Axalta is an American company and is one of the world’s leading suppliers of powder coating technologies to industry.  Their high-quality thermosetting options are formulated and manufactured to meet the diverse needs of the decorative and functional coatings industries.  Axalta’s Alesta® line of powder coatings have many applications within the design and construction industry due to their durability, versatility, and environmental advantages.  Some specific application areas include:

  • Architectural Extrusion

  • Facades, Cladding & Curtain walls

  • Roofing

  • Structural Steel

  • Decorative Metalwork

  • Fencing and gates

Axalta has their London Colour Experience Showroom at the Building Centre on Store Street.  Here you can find information on their materials and view their full range of RAL colours.  Axalta’s Specification Leader, Dami Babalola, is happy to meet you there, or in your office, to discuss their materials that are available for architects and other design professionals.  You can contact Dami at  And for further information, please visit

We are looking forward to working with Axalta this year and to introducing you to Dami and her colleagues at Axalta Powder Coating Systems UK!

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